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Annual Water Quality Report

The Annual Water Quality Report is also known as Consumer Confidence Report (CCR).

May contain: nature, outdoors, ripple, and water

Water Quality 

The District’s water comes directly from aquifers located in Joshua Tree.  A minimum amount of Chlorine (per state law requirements) is added to protect our water. Nothing else is added. For a complete analysis of our water and its contents, take a look at our Annual Water Quality Report. 

Annual Water Quality Report or Consumer Confidence Report (CCR).

The Annual Water Quality Report or CCR explains where your water comes from and what's in it. This report is required by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Reports must be published each year by July 1st and contain water information from the preceding calendar year.

Este informe contiene información importante sobre su agua potable. Tener a alguien traducirlo para usted, o hablar con alguien que lo entienda. 

View our Reports

Use the links below to learn about our drinking water quality. You may also email us at to request a hard copy.

The most recent report is available here

 Or you may choose to download it below. 

2023 CCR PDF




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