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Saloon Pipeline Project - Completed in 2023

Project Description

In March 2023, staff replaced the pipeline in the easement located directly south of the Joshua Tree Saloon (hence the name of the project). The original 4 inch steel-wrapped mainline was installed in that area in 1968 and had fully reached its life span. This area has been problematic for quite some time, contributing to water loss (estimated water loss of 150,000 gallons of water lost in 2023 alone), disruption of service to local businesses, and posing safety concerns with water flooding onto very busy Twentynine Palms Highway. As such,  this project rose to the top of the priority list as the pipeline replacement was considered to be urgent.

Project Stats

Pipeline Replaced660 feet of 8 inch C909 pipeline
Total Cost$45,000

Project Outcome 

The project was successfully completed in three weeks, providing access to safe, clean drinking water for the businesses and residents in that area. In addition, three inline isolation valves were added, along with tying into two water sources instead of the original just one source, improving the water quality that staff takes so much pride in.


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