Water Emergency Preparedness

Before an emergency happens, be sure to prepare your emergency water supply.
In a major disaster (earthquakes, fires, etc.) water is a critical commodity and tap water service can become interrupted briefly, or for days. We cannot stop a major disaster, but we can prepare for it.
In a disaster, time and supplies will determine how quickly the entire system can be functional again. Residents are encouraged to prepare for a water emergency at home and to report any known damage as soon as possible.
Your personal preparation, help, and patience will be greatly appreciated in the event of a major disaster.
These tips may help you prepare.
- You may need water for drinking, preparing food, water for your pets, and water for hygiene.
- Keep commercially bottled water on hand for emergencies
- You can purchase food-grade water containers
- Don't use containers that were used for milk or juice
- Avoid using glass containers, which can be heavy and may break
- Clean plastic containers with dishwashing soap and water, then rinse well
- Sanitize bottles with a mix of:1 teaspoon unscented liquid household chlorine bleach and 1 quart of water; swish the bottles, then rinse thoroughly
- Fill to the top with tap water and tightly twist on the original cap and avoid touching the inside of the cap
- Write the date on the container and store in a cool, dark place
- The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recommends replacing water every six months when not using commercially bottled water
Keep warm summers in mind. If your bottled emergency water supply has been exposed to high temperatures (warm garage, trunk of car) you may want to resanitize and refill bottles more often.