748 gallons is a unit of water (or 100 cubic feet)
An acre-foot of water is about 326,000 gallons
On average, a family of four uses 1 acre-foot of water per year
California receives on average of 23 inches of precipitation each year
Joshua Tree receives an average of 4.65 inches of precipitation each year
Most of California’s rain falls from October through April, and most of the water use occurs May through September
About 75% of the rain that falls in California falls north of Sacramento, while about 75% of the water demand (agricultural, domestic and industrial) is south of Sacramento
About 63% of annual rainfall and runoff is used by native vegetation, evaporates, or soaks into the ground
Landscaping accounts for about 33-40% of home water use, showers for about 15-18%, and toilets for about 17-20%
The state’s 1,400 surface water reservoirs hold about 45 million acre-feet
Typically, 35-40% of the state's water demand is supplied through groundwater, jumping to 50% in dry years
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